Opening shot of Newport IW ASDA
Approaching ASDA toilets
Men's urinals - note different heights and grab rails. Note non-slip vinyl floor curving up edges for easy cleaning.
Pleasantly coloured stalls.
Infra red controlled flush.
Trough type hand basin with infra red controlled taps.
Electronic hand dryers
Note comment re not all disabilities are obvious - true.
Neat layout and plumbing.
Very neat exposed plumbing and drain stopcocks in disabled loo.
Mirror in disabliity loo.
Air freshener.
Door lock easy to control and clearly visible whether locked or not - easy on arthritic hands.
Complete disability toilet and changing room with hoist.
"Changing Places" means what it says!
But you need a RADAR key - can be obtained from staff.
Did not investigate baby changing (or Ladies' loo).